Golden State Partners Shares Why Your Credit Card Debt Could Be Making You Sick

Unfortunately, many people are suffering from credit card debt and is becoming all too commonplace in modern day society. However, an unknown complication of having credit card debt is that it could potentially make one sick.

While people may not immediately associate owing money to a physical illness, there has been evidence that shows a potential indirect relationship between the two. There have been studies that show that having great credit card debt is associated to higher rates of depression and stress. In addition, many people have reported worse health and higher blood pressure, which can be directly linked to increased levels of stress.

Credit Card Debt and Stress

One of the reasons why credit card debt is linked to increased amounts of stress is because it can seem like there is no end to it. Having debt is undesirable, but if the debt is severe enough to the point where one can only afford to make minimum payments, the amount of time they are paying off that debt can increase. The longer periods of time where credit card debt is being paid off can contribute to chronic amounts of stress. If stress is unmanaged, it can lead to a series of conditions, most notably that involving elevated hypertension and cardiovascular conditions.

Mental Health

Credit card debt has also shown the potential capacity to make people mentally sick. Unfortunately, this debt has become precursors to mental conditions such as depression, behavior and suicidal ideation.

Debt can be a very cumbersome and stressful situation to deal with, and the longer it stays, the tougher it is to let go. Mental health can lead to a change in behavior, and these behavioral changes can lead to adverse effects on one’s health. Things from a sleep disturbances to poor eating habits result from mental health deficiencies that high amounts of debt can cause.

While credit card debt could potentially contribute to making you sick, you can make yourself feel better by taking heed to a few points. If you are struggling with paying off credit card debt, the experts at Golden State Partners can assist you. Here are the most important aspects that must be understood about paying off credit card debt.

Financial Habits Must Change

One of the most important things to understand about credit card debt is that a lot of it is a function of poor financial decisions. You need to make an important distinction about what you want and what you need. You need to prioritize your needs such as clothing, food, water and utilities. This means you must also leave your wants, such as that Netflix subscription or the new iPhone, aside until your needs are well taken care of.


You also need to budget effectively and have an organized plan of attack in terms of your finances. You need to take stock of what you take in and what your financial responsibilities are. If you effectively organize your finances, you will rarely run out of money for the things that you need. You may also find that you are spending money on unnecessary things and can put more towards debt.

Credit card debt can have a great effect on your health, and if you need help with how to attack it, Golden State Partners are experts that can assist

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